Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Hallowe'en Is Here

It's that time of year again - the Holiday that gets passed over more and more as the years go by. It's Hallowe'en! One thing I love about Hull is that even though the Christmas stuff is in the shops, the window displays are all still Hallowe'en based - It's great. In recent years I've noticed shops skimming over Hallowe'en in favour of getting the Christmas stock out sooner, but it can't be Christmas until we've celebrated Hallowe'en - don't they see that?

Anywho, my hallowe'en celebrations are many this year. On Saturday just gone I went to Spiders with Nick and some friends of his. They all dressed up, and put a lot of effort into the costumes, as did quite a few people at the club. I felt a little out of place in my pirate costume but it went down a treat anyway! Tonight {Tuesday} a few people are coming over to watch horror movies. Yeah I know, not really my thing but I figured I could put aside my distaste for them for one night. And tomorrow night I'm attending the Monster Mash Bash at Asylum with a few others, should be entertaining. The people I'm going with {Namely Tom and Roland} seem to have their hearts set on dressing up so I guess I will be too. Should be fun though! Promise pictures will follow soon. I have a couple from Saturday and intend to take plenty tomorrow....especially in the getting ready process since we have a devil and the hulk getting ready! Could be funny!

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