Monday, 17 March 2008

Home again, Home again

Been home a few days now and though its nice, it feels different. I know, it sounds weird, but it does. I guess I kinda feel homesick for Hull, which is strange, because last time I was home I didn't. But hey, things change.
Not been up to much since being home really. I've spent time chilling out at home, spending time with Conor and CeilĂ­. Trying to get Eoin used to me, he's still a bit wary of me, which is only natural I suppose. Been eating a lot, I always do when I come home. I put on weight when I get home because I eat things I tend to avoid in Eng. I don't avoid them on purpose, I just don't think to buy them. But here, they're a staple. Like white bread, french rolls, cheese, ham, crisps....mmm, then there's my mum's cooking, which is one of my favourite things ever. I tend to eat and eat and keep eating when it comes to meal times in this house.

One thing that I've been thinking about is my older sister asked me the other day if I was okay. She said I seemed distant. I can feel that I am, and I know that I'm not entirely relaxed this time round, but I can't work out why. It upsets me a bit to know I can't be entirely relaxed around my family, as they are the ones I should be completely myself with, but I guess I feel like somethings missing. I'm not quite sure what.

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