Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Disaster of a Day

I should be on a bus right now on my way up to Dublin to attend a Graduate Careers Fair, an opportunity to meet and impress potential employers and give my cv to the unsuspecting reps for numerous companies. I've been debating with myself for a few days whether I really wanted to go or not. My dad suggested it and I agreed it might be a good idea. Which in fathertongue means I'm going. I know he's just looking out for me and wants me to succeed and to be happy, but I don't see the point in going to this fair. If I am to stay in Ireland, I really want a job in the south east. Somewhere accessible from home. Somewhere that I can commute from home. It makes saving a lot more feasible. However if I was to get a job elsewhere in the country it would mean having to pay rent and food and whatnot, leaving next to nothing for saving. Tramore might not be my ideal location right now, but it makes financial sense.
So I had been tossing and turning over whether to go today or not, and I decided to prep to go. So I printed a few dozen cvs and put them in envelopes, found time tables of trains and buses and picked a time to leave. My bus was at 7:55 am. That would get me to Dublin sometime around 12, which would mean getting to the Arena sometime around1. Giving me an hour to look around and talk, before heading back into town to get a 3 o'clock train home. A lot of travelling for a little time in Dublin, but who knows? It might do me good. I got up this morning at 7, and dawdled. There is no other word for it. I was still debating the trip and whether it would be worth it. But I left the house at 7:45, determined to give it my best shot.

The bus stop is at the bottom of a hill. As I began to head down the hill I could see the bright red bus with its orange lights sitting at the bottom. 'Great,' I though, 'I'll make it.' Only as soon as I thought those words the bus began to pull away. I was too far away to make a run for it so all I could do was stand there and watch. So I turned on my heels and trudged home in the rain. The next bus was well over an hour away so I wasn't waiting. And I've sat here for the past hour debating whether it's worth my while to get the next bus. And I've decided it's not. By the time I'd get to the Fair it would be after 2, and it's only open until about 3. And it would mean not getting home until almost 9pm tonight. Really not worth it.

So goes my job hunt....slowly but surely twisting down the drain.

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