Friday, 25 September 2009

Progress Report

I've been thinking about writing here for a while. Not entirely sure what about but I need an outlet. Without being too emo-y I've been down and cranky and just a general b**** for the previous few days - my apologies to all who incurred my wrath - and I need somewhere to talk about it. And since I'm not so good at the one to one honesty thing, this is gonna be it me thinks. Though I do say that a lot don't I? That I intend to write here more often? It hasn't been as regular as I had once hoped, but I guess I didn't have a lot to say. And all my problems seem to just repeat themselves.

I realised today that I have been working in my current job for exactly a year. I started there at the end of September 2008. Its now the end of September 2009 and I am still exactly where I started. The only difference is I now work more hours and have more of my loan paid off than I did a year ago. Thats it. The only obvious progression in my life in the last year is the dent in my student loan.

And its not that big a dent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor you, you sound down,
wish i could help in some way.............sadie