Saturday, 31 October 2009

Music & fear

First things first, the gig last night was fantastic. The set was a clever mix of new and old, including some so old that none of us knew them. {However the four guys in front of us knew every word.} It was just Amy & Emily and a dozen or so guitars. I pity their sound guy. His job was to bring on the right guitars for each song, removing the guitars from the previous song, and tuning the guitars for the next song while they played. Not an easy task I'd say. They played for an hour and a half straight and I loved every minute. Two very talented musicians. I think thats one of the reasons I like them. There's no jazz or drama about them, they just play good music and sing great lyrics. Their albums are usually recorded with a band, but any time we've seen them play its just been them and their guitars, and its always an amazing gig. I'd recommend them to anyone.

Change of topic. Walking home from work this evening I ended up behind a group of 'youths'. I counted and there were 16 of them, all darkly dressed and all about 14 or 15 I'd say. And I felt intimidated. Not entirely sure why. Could have been the time of year, or that it was after 8:30 and pretty damn dark out. Or that there were so many of them and just one of me. Or that they were discussing playing pranks like knock a dolly. {Not the term they used, but same idea.} Either way, I could feel me feet slowing down while they blocked the way ahead, and then speeding up once I knew I could pass them; my heart starting to race as I overtook them, hoping they kept ignoring me. At the time I felt a little silly and I still do for reacting that way to a bunch of teenagers. But at the same time, I think I'm right to be a bit nervous.

For as long as I've been going out in Tramore I have never had a problem with walking home alone after a night out. But in the last few months when I've been out, I've tried to avoid it. I shouldn't have to be nervous about walking home through my estate - that's the bit that bothers me as it's quite dark - but I am. Is it a sign of the times, or am I just getting old and a bit more sensible? Or sensitive?

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Exciting stuff...

...For a change!! It's been a busy week, and not with work based things, which is fantastic. Spent Monday with my sister, her husband and their two boys. We went to the Reptile Village outside Kilkenny and had an absolute blast! Well, the adults did. Not so sure about the kids. I however was in my element. I came home and realised I had picked up lots of tit-bits of information about the animals. More of those useless things that will stay lodged in my head for eternity, taking up space that could be used on more important things. But instead, I will forever know that if a spider is dropped from a height the abdomen can burst, causing the spider to die. However, sometimes if the spider is preparing to shed her skin (I say her cause I'm sexist with spiders, blame E.B.White) she has already started healing herself from the inside out, so she could possibly survive the drop. Why do I know this? Cause I heard it from the handler at the Village. How long will I remember this? Longer than I'll remember my conversational Irish phrases probably.

Yesterday and today were work filled. But tomorrow is concert filled! After work I am clambering into my sisters car to go to Dublin to see the Indigo Girls in concert. There's four of us going - hopefully, one is currently on the brink of being out of action - and it should be a really good night out. I haven't seen them since I was in Secondary School, which is quite a while ago. And I don't even know the last time the four of us did something together, so very excited now.

And then, and THEN, it's Hallowe'en!! I am spending the day of Hallowe'en in the Indoor Market facepainting, all dressed up in my gothic fairy costume!! Then hopefully I get to wear the costume out and about on Saturday night.

And then! It gets better! I get to go back to Edinburgh on Monday!!! So excited about that one. I haven't been in two years. Its such a fantastic place. I'm going with two friends, one of whom has never been before. I hope she likes it as much as I do. After all, I'm the one that suggested it!