Saturday, 31 July 2010


I'm good at making lists. Rarely good at following through on ticking things off the lists, but good at making them. I was watching a film tonight and it made me think of a list. Things I want.

I want to learn how to bake pies. Proper pies. With a decent crust/pastry base and interesting, tantalizing flavourful fillings.

I want to own my own cafe. A proper little coffee shop, with good coffee and even better desserts, made fresh by yours truly.

I want more spontaneity in my life. And more romance. Spontaneous romance even. I'm not the soppiest girl in the world, but all girls like it from time to time.

I want my own place. Somewhere I can decorate to my liking. Somewhere I can come home to and feel at ease.

I want to share that place. I want to be in a situation where I can share that home.

I want the ability to make all these wants become realities.

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