Thursday, 2 September 2010

Pet hates

Little things bother me. And I think talking things through helps with stress and tension. So, I am going to use this post to complain. So I ask your forgiveness for my indulgence.

Being called 'The Lady' at work. Having customers use me as the bad guy in their family scenario. When a parent tells their young child that they have to put something back because 'The lady will get angry' it makes me feel like the parent doesn't have the courage to stand up to their own child. If they use something like 'it belongs to the lady' or 'it can't be sold to kids under 10' I don't mind so much. Its claiming that I will become angry with them if they don't put it back that bothers me. They are using me as the disciplinarian, when that is supposed to be their job. I know I am not a parent, but I feel parents want to be friends with their children, and not a parent to them. I understand wanting to be their friends, but their first role is that of parent.

Seeing obvious spelling mistakes. There is a pharmacy on the main street, and I pass it at least twice a day to and from work. A year or so ago, they redid the shop front, new paint, new signage, it looked wonderful. Aside from one teeny tiny thing. The word 'precriptions' on one of the shop windows. It made me laugh. The first time anyway. I even considered going in and telling them. My guess was the signwriter was to blame. However seeing it frequently it bothered me. Summer came, and they placed beautiful window boxes on the windowsills, hiding the offending signage. A few months later, when the window boxes were removed, they had replaced the 'precriptions' with 'prescriptions'. Only took six months.

There are more, but I'll get to them another time.

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