Sunday, 30 December 2007

All Things Christmassy

Christmas has come and gone, and New Years looms around the corner, and I am already back in Hull. It was fun being back in the Bay for a bit, even if it was a short visit. Part of me wishes I had stayed longer, but another part of me is so glad to be back in Hull. It's getting really strange to be back under the watchful eye of the parentals. I think every time I visit it gets that little bit more odd. But it was fun. Christmas day was nice and relaxed. Breakfast at my sisters house, singing at mass as always, followed by a chilled out day, nice dinner and card games a-plenty.

Susan seemed to enjoy herself with my family. I was a little bit worried. Visiting someone elses home any other time of the year is a completely different thing, but to spend the Christmas Holidays with a family other than your own, from a completely different culture surely can't be the easiest thing to go through. But it all seemed fine, which is good. She saw quite a bit of the country too, which is a good thing. Took her to Cork for the day, and she went down for another day with a friend and saw Kinsale. Took her to Thurles and she met my grandmother and uncle. The best part of that was her reaction to my Uncle's accent. She could understand everything he said - a difficult thing even for me - but it was the thick Tipperary accent that gave her trouble.

I discovered this Christmas that no matter the time of year, my father still loves to play tour guide!! As with anyone who comes to visit, he took Susan to see the Hook. Which, aside from the bitter wind, was a really nice trip.

On a different sadder note, a young man washed up on the beach on Christmas morning. A guy who's family my family have known for years. He was 20 years old and it's believed he jumped from the cliff edge on the night of Christmas Eve. This is the third guy since April to try, and the second to succeed. What I can't help wondering is why? What is it that pushes them, that makes them feel they need to end their life? And why does it seem to all be the same age group? The three guys were all around the same age. What happens to men at the age of 20 that they think now is the time to end everything? My heart goes out to the families of these guys, they are the ones left behind and left wondering what happened. Wondering where they went wrong. Wondering if there was anything they could have done differently. Even the guy who jumped and lived to tell the tale, I can hardly imagine the thoughts going through his head this Christmas. I wonder has he since realised how selfish his actions were? It may sound cruel, but I do believe people who commit suicide to be selfish. They never seem to realise what they are leaving behind. Or who.

I've talked a friend through it once, tried to make him see that ending his life was not the way out, tried to show him that he had things to live for. I don't know if it was my words that stopped him or his own fear and thoughts, either way he's still here. Yes he doesn't have the easiest life, yes he has troubles and bad times and failed attempts at things, but he's still here to try and fail, to try and succeed. Unlike those two guys I mentioned. All they can do now is look down on those they left behind.

It's a shame that only after a person dies do they get told how much they are loved and wanted.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Bad travel history

Tomorrow sees me making a fourteen hour journey to get home. If all goes to plan that is. In the past I've had countless unforseen encounters and events that prevent me from making it home at the desired time. Like fog cancelling or delaying flights, missing buses, missing trains, lost luggage. Although I think it only happens when I travel solo, so things should go fine tomorrow, since Susan is travelling with me. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Old-fashioned Sunday

When I say old-fashioned I mean like a Sunday when I was in school. It's been such a quiet day, I don't know quite what to do with myself. I woke up late...which for me was eleven am. I couldn't seem to sleep any later. Since then I have done....nothing. I moved some things around my room, put some clothes away, sorted out my module folders, washed dishes from last night, rang home and talked for over an hour. Then I decided I needed popcorn, so walked along Springback and checked every possible shop - not a sign of salted popcorn. The English are weird, they like butter and sweet popcorn over salted. It's supposed to be savoury - keep it that way!!
Anyway, walked as far as St. Stephens - which is about 15-20 mins walk from my house - only to find that the Tesco's there had shut about two minutes before I got there, so I walked back, checked the only shop I hadn't looked in on the way and lo and behold - salted popcorn!!

Yes, that was the highlight of my day. Out in the dark and the cold to buy popcorn.

Last night we had a mini Christmas dinner at my house, but unfortunately it ended up being for a lot less people than planned. We {Vicky and I} had originally hoped to have 8 or 9 people for dinner, in total we ended up with 5. But better that than it being just she and I! It was nice, roast chicken, veg, potatoes and of course, dessert. But it did make me want my mom's cooking. Only four days and I get to sample that again. True I did use her recipes and techniques for the things we made, but its never the same.

Speaking of coming home, I've been debating starting to pack. It's days away, and I know if I do start packing now, that I'll end up re-doing it two or three times, but I'm at a loss for things to do, besides starting an essay, which I don't want to do. But I've been buying bits and pieces to bring home for christmas, and then I have some films and books I want to bring home too, I doubt there'll be much space in the bag for clothes or anything like that, but what harm. Don't need much. That's what sisters are for.

I've been on a country music kick again this week. It's happening more and more lately. But I've found a song that I think is brilliant, and quite true. It's by a guy called Trace Adkins and it's called Ladies Love Country Boys. It's just fab. Have been listening to Trace and a guy called Toby Keith a lot. If you've a spare ten minutes look them up on youtube. For Toby Keith I'd suggest I Love This Bar. Really good song.

Friday, 7 December 2007


Next week I will have been dating Nick for two months. Anyone that knows me well knows this is phenomenal. It's actually my longest relationship since I dated Greg back in....oh god, 2003? 2002? A long time ago anyway. And so far so good. I don't want to kill him {always a good sign} and he makes me laugh and smile {more good signs}. I'm not taking it too seriously, just gonna see what happens. Only time will tell I guess.

Last night was the Winter Ball. It was amazing! I'm so impressed with the committee. We ended up doing all the decorating minus the lighting ourselves. We had free sparkling wine on entry, a buffet, chocolate fountain, polaroid photos, and loads of decorations. Had a good turnout as well, about 200 people in total. Which is pretty good all considering.

TWO WEEKS!!!! I'll be home in two weeks!! With Susan in tow, she got the visa yesterday!!!

Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Officially Christmas!!! I heard Wham!'s Last Christmas for the first time today! And Joey heard Driving Home For Christmas on Sunday! It's official!!!

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Flying Home For Christmas

It's officially December so it's finally okay to talk about these sorts of things. I've booked my flights!! Flying into Dublin on the 2oth of December, hopefully with Susan in tow. I know it's less than three weeks away but it can't get here fast enough. Little things lately have been pulling at the heart strings and I'm missing home alot. And it's effecting my everyday persona. I'm quiet and distracted and 'off' is the most common term. A few people have said it to me. And all it is is that I need to come home. It's Christmas, it does it to me every year. And because the promotions and displays and lights are all happening earlier and earlier every year, I get homesick that little bit earlier every year. But, on the plus side, Susan is very very excited about spending Christmas with my family. It will be totally different for her I'm sure. She's never had a stocking before, or really knew the reason for them. Tried to explain it today while we were walking around the Christmas markets in Manchester, but don't think I did a wonderful job of it.

Oh yeah, Went to Manchester today for an ISA trip, it was nice. Bit cold, but five different Christmas Markets around the city, so we just wandered around them for most of the day and ate a lot of European food - the European Market was my favourite, and the biggest. It even had a singing moose head. Yeah, odd I know.