Friday, 18 April 2008

Geekfest & Essays....more essays.....

I'm sure I have nothing interesting to write about, but I'm gonna give it a go anyway! It'll kill some time.

Over the past few days I have done research for two of my essays. Granted, the two shortest ones, but still, it's a start. The third one is the one I'm dreading. 5,000 words on Samuel Beckett. Where do I begin? I can't even read his books, let alone write on them. I've gotten half way through a couple of the novels and plays on this module, and thankfully that's enough to get me through the seminars, but my god!! Trying to pick an essay topic? Can I not just write about how un-accesible his writing is? I'm not sure my lecturer would be keen on that, since he's an avid Beckett fan. But hey, I'll get there. I always do. The essay might end up being complete and utter....well, you know! But I'm not that bothered. As long as my other essays are up to scratch I should be fine. The fourth one is not going to be fun though, it's a creative writing piece that I've barely began to scratch the surface on. I have a basic plot in my head, but I know myself that it will change as soon as it leaves my mind and hits paper. The original idea will be a puff of smoke. And if its as good as my last few creative pieces, it will probably deserve to be thrown on the fire and become smoke itself.

My phone, my NEW phone, only two months old, has developed some interesting extra features I didn't ask for. Among them, if I go into certain folders it switches itself off, it won't recognise names and half my contact list seems to be invisable unless called upon. Finally got around to going into the shop and asking about it, seems I have to take it to a Nokia Service Centre in Hessle to get it fixed, so guess what I'm doing Saturday? Never been to Hessle before. Never really wanted to. But hey, first time for everything!

Saturday night, assuming I get back from Hessle in one piece, is going to be interesting - to say the least. It's Geekfest. And yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. A night of debauchery for geeks. Basically, it's a party where people come dressed as a character from their favourite show or movie or - never let me get this bad - their favourite game. Yes I'm serious! Anyway, I dropped my head round the door at the last one, back in Oct/Nov and it did seem like a bit of a laugh. Granted I didn't recognise any of the costumes or characters, but I'm still a newbie when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy. I've decided to go as Kaylee from Firefly {she's a mechanic on a spaceship}, mostly because its a fairly simple outfit to throw together - dungarees, flowery shirt, docs and loose hair - but partly cause I love her. She's a fabulous character. Yes, I'm falling deeper into their world, I know...I know. Hopefully will take loads of photos. Assuming I remember to buy batteries - still haven't!

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