Wednesday, 30 April 2008

It's been a while... I thought I'd update. Not really sure what to talk about though. Essays, essays essays are getting me down, so I'm using a typical Martha technique and sticking my head in the sand to ignore it all. It's not working though. I can slowly feel my stomach getting tighter and tighter and the urge to scream and run away getting higher and higher, but it's not gonna happen. I know in my head that I'm slowly but surely working my way through everything, I just feel like I'm not getting anything done and that the due dates are gonna show up and I'm not gonna be ready for them. Like having a dinner party, the guests showing up and you've almost completed the meal, but it's not there yet and you know that your guests will be waiting longer than you had intended.
Last Friday night I had a house party. I say *I* because only two of my five housemates bothered to show up at it, and one of those two had been telling people it was my party. It was an interesting night. I've never had the paramedics and police show up at a party before. But it was a fun night regardless.
Aside from that, all has been quiet. I've been to see two plays in the past two weeks as the Drama Society have had a mini drama festival. They have three plays on, one every week for the past two weeks and one next week, and they did a fantastic deal. If you go see the first two, keep your tickets, you can go see the third for free. So that's just what I'm doing. The first one was A Streetcar Named Desire. Two friends of mine were in it so that was incentive enough to go. It was well put together, the set was very cleverly thought out and the space was used fantastically. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The second one, which I went to see last night was The Suicide. A russian comedy, written in the 1920's in Soviet Russia. Possibly the strangest, but best, play I have seen in a long time. And the best Drama Soc production I've seen since Rumours in my second year, which I went to see twice it was that good. I won't give the story away, because if anyone ever gets the chance to see this play they should, but wow. Amazing! Hysterically funny for all the wrong reasons. The third one, which I'm going to see next Tuesday is called Baby With The Bathwater, which is a play about gender confusion. I'm intruiged!

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