Sunday, 28 September 2008

*Cough, cough*

I'm sick! Coughing and spluttering and generally being a nuisance, more to myself than anyone else. I can't sleep at night because I'm coughing so much, and my chest, stomach and back hurt from the amount of coughing I'm doing. It's great fun! But on the plus side, I am getting better. Well, I think I am.

I had an interview on Friday! It went well, apparently. I thought it went horribly but I've heard since that it wasn't nearly as bad as I first imagined. Now all I have to do is wait and see if I got the job. Fingers crossed! It's a fairly handy job. It's a cashier position at the credit union. Like I said, fingers crossed. It's not a dream job, but it's a job. Speaking of, I am working. Sort of. Local newsagents/toy store/gift store/stationary store were short staffed and I need money, so it's a win win situation. Started on Saturday and am working again tomorrow and then for the rest of the week. Which is great cause I need some money because I want to go to Hull between now and Christmas, and flights and trains cost money!

Dublin was great. The conference went really well - I think anyway. Had a fun time with Robert and was fun to talk to students about the Uni and tell them stories. I also got the chance to look at some post grad info from some English uni's. Gonna look into that in more detail soon though. I do sort of expect I'll just go back to Hull to do my Masters. It's comfortable and I'm comfortable there. We'll see how money and time goes. Seeing the girls was great fun. I miss Aoife so much. I always realise this when I see her, but the great thing is we can go for so long without seeing each other and then meet up and it's like we were never apart. And Sarah!! Well, that girl is an entity all her own. I love her to pieces, but this past weekend she managed to upset me for possible the first time I've known her. And it was unintentional I'm sure, but it still happened. But I think it was a two way street so what can ya do?

The Saturday was a lot of fun, Ben and I wandered Dublin for a while before heading out to Phoenix Park and waiting outside the zoo for Nici and James. It took them forever to get there, but get there they did. We wandered around the zoo until closing time and then headed to Thunder Road where we were joined by Sarah and Padraig for dinner. I hadn't been there in years, it was brilliant. Music was loud {I'm getting old!} and they've changed the layout and some of the decor, but it was still fantastic.

Just hanging with Ben for the weekend was fun. I've missed him. Lots. We didn't do anything of note, just enjoyed each others company and walked alot. Hopefully it won't be another two months before I see him again.

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