Thursday, 11 September 2008


Been a while since I was here last. I think it's partly because I don't have a lot to write about, and I feel like I'm just repeating myself. Still no job, still at home, still missing Hull and still baking. In the past few weeks I have baked chocolate biscuit cake; chocolate chip cookies; apple & strawberry crumble; lemon & yogurt cake; salsa; chocolate cake and shortbread. Lots of shortbread. That one was good. And tonight I tried muffins, which didn't turn out so great. I know myself it's a coping mechanism. I get bored or stressed or depressed and I bake. Generally something sweet that I can use to stuff my face. I am a comfort eater. I always have been. It's such a bad thing. Especially since I'm not walking nearly as much here as I would in England. I need to start going walking every day, instead of once or twice a week.

But on the upside, I am going to Dublin in a few days to firstly help out at a Higher Options Conference. Someone I know from Hull Uni contacted me about it a few weeks ago, its three days of standing and convincing secondary school students that Hull Uni is an amazing place for Irish people to be! Which it is! I am testament to that. And secondly to spend time with the girls who live up there. And lastly {and probably most importantly} someone's coming over from Hull for the weekend to see me. Which I can't wait for! Oh, and a trip to the Zoo with my lil sister and some others. Photos will follow I'm sure.

On a totally different note, my nephew and Godson started big school. He looks so cute in his uniform, it's adorable, IF a little weird. Still getting used to it. Stranger still is that two girls I went to school with are the teachers of his class and the other junior infants class. It's odd going to pick him up and seeing them at the doors of the school; the same school I spent 6 years at!

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