Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Another thing that makes me happy

Nici arrives today for a week! I can't wait to see her. It's going to be an interesting week, but fun! I hope!

Friday, 23 May 2008

Things that make Me Happy!

It's been a week since I handed in my last essay and I still don't know what I'm doing. I have received word of a possible interview in a little village outside Manchester in the next couple of weeks, and I have in my possession an application form for a job in the union here at the university. It's just a case of taking small steps and hoping that they build up to a long distance. Did that make sense?
Anywho, since I had handed in my last essay I decided I should go through my books and folders and notes and decide on what to throw, what to give to charity and what to keep. So far the throw and charity piles are a little too small, but they're getting there. Anyway, I found an old notepad and in the middle on a random page was a list entitled: Things That Make Me Happy! So I thought, for whatever reason, I'd put it on a post. There was also the: Things I Want To Do Before I Die list but that can wait for another day. So here goes! In no particular order

Sleeping Late

Watching good movies




Completing a jigsaw

Good books

Warm fire on a cold day.

Singing along to a favourite song at the top of my voice.

Photos and Photo Albums



John Cusack Movies

Meeting new people

Walking at a fast pace


Smell of leather

Seeing good things happen to good people

Being a part of that ^^

Seeing live music


Fresh nail varnish

Walking on a deserted beach

The sky turning pink

Some of those things should maybe be edited slightly, but the date on the top of the page is July 5th, 2006, so I'm going to leave it as is. It's two years almost. Alot changes in two years!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Three years...what now?

Thursday morning I handed in my essay on the works of Samuel Beckett, and once that green acceptance slip was in my hands I knew I had come to the end. My final essay. My final Third year essay. The end of my degree. Three years of living in Hull, three years of getting to know the people, the campus, the city and now it's all over. Put it in a box marked memories and put it on a shelf, to be peeked into sporadically over the rest of my life. It's a little bit sad really. But it hasn't really sunk in either. Give it a few weeks, when I have to start saying goodbye to people, then it'll sink in. Although, I did have to say goodbye to someone already. I was in Spiders last night and I met a friend who was leaving today. He finished on Wednesday and having no job, no money and nothing to do made the decision to go home. That was a little strange.

On a brighter note, my sister is coming to visit in just over a week. Can't wait to see her, and can't wait to have her here. Have a lot planned for the week she's here, we'll both be knackered by the end of it but what harm!

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Photos from the ground

I came across something yesterday that made me smile. Well, let me correct that, I was directed towards something because someone knew it would make me smile. Down a side street quite near to the university it seems that some students thought that the sunny weather meant it was time for some games.

They had drawn a hopscotch board{?} on the footpath, with the words "Feel free to hopscotch" before it, surrounded by pictures of flowers and hearts and rainbows. It just made my day.

Well, that and finding this a few streets away from my house. It's stuck to the ground, but perfectly. Almost like someone placed it there!

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Long time coming

I've been meaning to write about this for a while, and I kept forgetting, but I saw something today that prompted me to actually sit and write. When I was younger, early teens, I used to spend my Saturdays in the city, shopping, hanging out with friends, what you'd expect teenagers to do. On these days I used to see a variety of people, but the ones that used to always catch my attention were the goths. Now in winter they're not that surprising to see, but in summer they used to astound me. Dark clothes attract the sun, making you warmer. Big leather coats equals even warmer still. Piercings, dyed hair, shaved hair - these are all part and parcel of the goth look. And I know in the media {film, tv etc} they are portrayed as a nuisance, or as depressed, or just a bit of trouble. But the thing is, Goth's are people too!! I know, it sounds silly to say, but I've wanted to say it for a while. A lot of my friends are - well, not goths, but close to it. I have a bunch of friends whose wardrobes consist of black, black and some more black. The girls might stretch to purple or pink or red now and again, but generally its black with black. I had a house party a week ago, and I invited this particular bunch of friends. A girl I know when she found out this lot were coming, declared that she might get drunk before coming to mine, because they're my 'scary' friends. Why is that? Why is it that people find people in long leather jackets, dark hair and piercings frightening or intimidating? Some of my best friends are geeks and goths!!! Photos from Rocky Horror will hopefully show that! Assuming I'm allowed take photos.

Oh, and the thing I saw today that prompted me to write this? I was walking up Princes Ave today, about lunchtime, and across the road was a guy dressed head to toe in black with long flowing dark hair. Black t-shirt, black jumper tied around his waist, black trainers and black shorts! Yeah, SHORTS!!! I found it entertaining!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Celebrations and Shoot Outs!

Few things to report since the other night - oddly enough. Some I just forgot to mention, others have happened since.
Last things first: Went to see In Bruges last night, brilliant brilliant film. Absolutely loved it, it is a clever piece of film, and it has totally changed my opinion of Colin Farrell. I always said he was a bit of an idiot and that the only time he's ever done anything anyway good was when he appeared in an episode of Scrubs playing an Irish guy. And here he is again playing an Irish guy. An Irish hitman but an Irish guy nonetheless. Definately worth going to see. Brendan Gleeson is brilliant in it too, hilarious film.

Second and more importantly - I got my best friend back!! He's been MIA for a few months due to.....well....circumstances beyond our control, but the circumstances have been dealt with and he's back!! So we've spent copious amounts of time together in the past week and it's soooo good! The guy knows too much about me for him to go disappearing anywhere. Gotta keep him in the good books!

Thirdly - Monday is ROCKY HORROR NIGHT!!! Wooo!!! Lots of men in corsets too small for them and girls in torn fish nets! Gonna be fun! Hopefully I'll remember to take photos!