Thursday 1 July 2010

90's Revival

Followed a trail of links today which brought me to this. I loved Ace of Base when I was a younger. Still do to be fair. Anyway I started clicking even more links and found Scatman, 5ive, LFO, Shaggy, No Mercy and way too many other random bands I loved in school. Not all of them could be classed as good music, but they are still the kinds of songs that get me dancing and smiling. Which is no mean feat these days.

I've been discussing modern society with my mother this evening, and I've come to a conclusion. This is one bloody scary world. I mean, I'm not at the point where walking out the door and down the main street worries me, but I will admit that the thought of living in a bigger city or country does cause concern. Not that it's going to be happening any time soon, but its one of those lingering things in my mind.

I was going to write more but time seems to have escaped me.

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