Monday 5 November 2007

News 'n' Stuff

Haven't written in a while, but that's mostly because I've been very busy with different things. Firstly, on Thursday, a really good friend of mine came back to Hull for the night, and it was so good to see him. He's based in London this year because of his course {Politics} and doesn't get to come to Hull often, so it was a special night. Even if he did take my new boyfriend aside and give him the 'hurt her and I'll hunt you down' talk.

Then Friday saw the November ISA party. It was a ball. We had it in Asylum for probably the first time ever, and it worked! We had a theme too, a 60's, 70's and 80's night, which was a lot of fun. I went for the preppy 60's look. Supposedly I looked like I just stepped out of Hairspray. I wouldn't know, haven't seen the show or the film. But it was a really good night. A lot of fun.

Sunday {Yesterday} we went to the fireworks display in Hull City Centre for Guy Fawkes day. They held them a day early for convenience and it was a lot of fun. Today however, the actually Guy Fawkes day, has kinda got me scared. I guess I'm used to fireworks being illegal, aside from actual fireworks display companies and pyrotechnic companies and the like, so I'm not used to seeing them often. So walking home and having fireworks flaring on all sides of me freaks me out a bit. I think its also the thought of the potential dangers. I like that they're illegal at home. makes me feel safer or something. Had a few offers to go with people and celebrate Guy Fawkes Day by them setting off fireworks in their gardens or whatever, I declined on all counts. I just can't stand there and watch my friends light potentially fatal devices. They are explosives after all.

Not a lot else is going on. Kinda homesick at the moment if truth be told. It's finally hit me that this is my final year and it's scaring me. I handed in my first piece of coursework this morning and it was right then that I realised this is it. This is year three! The past two years and this one will mean nothing if I don't do well in June. I also worked out that between the four papers I have due in December and January I have an approximate 18,000 words to write. Woopee!! Anyone want to write them for me?
I also think the homesickness is coming from the fireworks. When I'm scared or nervous I want to be at home. And I was very nervous walking home this evening. I walk those streets every day practically, during day and night, on my own and with others, and I rarely feel scared or nervous, but with all the explosions I did tonight.

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