Wednesday 9 April 2008

Queues and Snow

I tried posting the other night while I was queuing for ball tickets in the union but the union computers don't seem to like blogger, so it didn't work. But to repeat what I said there, oh my god! I queued from midnight on Sunday evening and tickets went on sale at 10am on Monday morning. It was an experience - that I do not want to repeat, ever! Didn't help matters that it had been snowing from 7pm that evening and didn't stop until about 1am. Started about about 6 ish but didn't last long.

On another note, on Saturday evening I went to a village/town on the other side of the Humber Bridge called Caistor to see a local variety show, and I can honestly say I haven't had that much fun in a long time. It was fun to see a local production, something that the community put their heart and soul into and spent hours and hours preparing. It made me want to get the Tramore Musical Society up and running again, but I think I would be met with difficulties, from most people.

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