Saturday 20 October 2007

York Trip

I can't believe it's been a whole week and I have totally forgotten to talk about this. The ISA went to York last Saturday for a day trip. We took three busloads of students there at 9am, and brought them back to Hull about 8pm. We got there about 10.10 and realised we had about 8 hours to kill in York. Never thought we'd find enough things to fill in the hours but we managed. Actually want to go back to do things I didn't get done. Most of the committee spent the day together, which was nice. It gave us a chance to bond a bit. We went to the Jorvik centre, which is really well laid out. It's a museum and calm theme park ride all in one. Then we went to the river where we rented a small motor boat - £15 between 8 people for 30 mins - and we sailed up the river for a while. Then we went to the National Railway Museum which was definately worth the visit. Found out something new about one of the guys on the committee - he's a train geek! Loves trains! Was as excited as a little school boy! All in all had a really good day.

The ISA's social in scarborough however wasn't quite so successful. We tried to organise a party on campus for the scarborough students, but seems like they weren't as keen as we were. The committee, which is 13 people, and our two drivers made up the majority of the people there. I think in total we got about 20 people turning up, but not a lot of them were there at the same time. The committee had a great night though, it really was like our first social. Gave us a chance to chat - the bus trip was a hour and a half each way.

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