Sunday 16 December 2007

Old-fashioned Sunday

When I say old-fashioned I mean like a Sunday when I was in school. It's been such a quiet day, I don't know quite what to do with myself. I woke up late...which for me was eleven am. I couldn't seem to sleep any later. Since then I have done....nothing. I moved some things around my room, put some clothes away, sorted out my module folders, washed dishes from last night, rang home and talked for over an hour. Then I decided I needed popcorn, so walked along Springback and checked every possible shop - not a sign of salted popcorn. The English are weird, they like butter and sweet popcorn over salted. It's supposed to be savoury - keep it that way!!
Anyway, walked as far as St. Stephens - which is about 15-20 mins walk from my house - only to find that the Tesco's there had shut about two minutes before I got there, so I walked back, checked the only shop I hadn't looked in on the way and lo and behold - salted popcorn!!

Yes, that was the highlight of my day. Out in the dark and the cold to buy popcorn.

Last night we had a mini Christmas dinner at my house, but unfortunately it ended up being for a lot less people than planned. We {Vicky and I} had originally hoped to have 8 or 9 people for dinner, in total we ended up with 5. But better that than it being just she and I! It was nice, roast chicken, veg, potatoes and of course, dessert. But it did make me want my mom's cooking. Only four days and I get to sample that again. True I did use her recipes and techniques for the things we made, but its never the same.

Speaking of coming home, I've been debating starting to pack. It's days away, and I know if I do start packing now, that I'll end up re-doing it two or three times, but I'm at a loss for things to do, besides starting an essay, which I don't want to do. But I've been buying bits and pieces to bring home for christmas, and then I have some films and books I want to bring home too, I doubt there'll be much space in the bag for clothes or anything like that, but what harm. Don't need much. That's what sisters are for.

I've been on a country music kick again this week. It's happening more and more lately. But I've found a song that I think is brilliant, and quite true. It's by a guy called Trace Adkins and it's called Ladies Love Country Boys. It's just fab. Have been listening to Trace and a guy called Toby Keith a lot. If you've a spare ten minutes look them up on youtube. For Toby Keith I'd suggest I Love This Bar. Really good song.

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