Friday 28 January 2011

One Month

Today is the one month anniversary of my leaving home. And it's really starting to kick in. The homesickness I mean.

I guess I had high hopes, and thought I'd be in employment of some kind by the start of February. So far I have had one - unsuccessful - interview, and thats been it. Not a hint of a word from anywhere else. Oh well. Don't have the magic powers to sort it all out unfortunately.

What bothers me is this: I graduated two and a half years ago, and since then everyone has said to me that it will happen. "Something will come up for you." I'm kind of done with being patient and trying to find work and nothing happening. I can be a very patient person, but two years of waiting for something thats right for me to appear is about a year too long.

Fingers crossed for the next leg of the journey. Hopefully there won't be too many hurdles in this one.

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